Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2014-12-03T20:43:38+02:00 /feed.php?f=45&t=8952 2014-12-03T20:43:38+02:00 2014-12-03T20:43:38+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8952&p=87215#p87215 <![CDATA[Looking for back-end/front-end developer + designer]]> World Wide People's Championship
I'm working on a website for the tournament I'm hosting. This is a non-stop tournament with an advanced setup and I decided to create a website for it that's going to be mostly automated. I'm using the Ruby on Rails framework with Devise and CanCan. I'm doing everything by myself at the moment and I'm sort of an all round developer so it's not going too bad. However I'd like to focus on the back-end at the moment to get the website up and running fast. It'd be nice to find a developer with some experience in Ruby on Rails to help me out a little bit. I'm also looking for a front-end developer but mostly a designer to make a fancy WWPC logo and whatnot. Post here if you're interested!

I'm looking for
  • Back-end developer (Ruby on Rails)
  • Front-end developer (to make the website a little bit pretty)
  • Designer (for cool stuff such as a logo)

You can check out the progress here. Note that the commits don't have any meaning yet as I'm just trying to get the project going and doing a lot of stuff at the same time... :lol:

Statistics: Posted by lextoc — 03 Dec 2014, 20:43
