Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2018-02-20T13:14:50+02:00 /feed.php?f=39&t=14892 2018-02-20T13:14:50+02:00 2018-02-20T13:14:50+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14892&p=161072#p161072 <![CDATA[Re: Which version of TA:Spring is the most played?]]>

server/client stuff has crystallized around two projects, "zkchobby" which is an in-engine Lua lobby client that talks to ZeroKServer (C# codebase) and "SpringLobby" which is an older C++ client that talks to UberServer (written in python). this is because the zk people moved to their own lobby server / protocol some years ago for reasons.

it's like FAF in a nutshell, only without a coordinated benevolent dictatorship :D

Statistics: Posted by nubtrap — 20 Feb 2018, 13:14

2018-02-20T09:52:20+02:00 2018-02-20T09:52:20+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14892&p=161059#p161059 <![CDATA[Re: Which version of TA:Spring is the most played?]]>
nubtrap wrote:
apart from the glamour point (kinda true, just the reality of free software projects) this must be some special type of FUD because Spring has not been "C++ only" since before the release of SupCom and its Lua scripting API is probably far more powerful than SC's these days :D

I guess you are right, but I looked more into server/client stuff. But as I have seen there has been a lot of change too (even more dead projects :(

Statistics: Posted by Brutus5000 — 20 Feb 2018, 09:52

2018-02-19T22:07:55+02:00 2018-02-19T22:07:55+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14892&p=161039#p161039 <![CDATA[Re: Which version of TA:Spring is the most played?]]>
Undoubtedly it is the best and the most updated and active. Only downside is lack of missions or a campaign for single player, total focus is on multiplayer.
Unfortunately TA Springer passes the same difficulties that FAF has that is to add new players.
My dream would be to join all the games of the TA story on 1 server or that it goes to each one of them, Lobby type that had FAF tab, TA Springer, Total Annihilation, Planetary Annihilation.
It would be crazy right? :mrgreen:

Statistics: Posted by Neojacques — 19 Feb 2018, 22:07

2018-02-19T17:14:32+02:00 2018-02-19T17:14:32+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14892&p=161027#p161027 <![CDATA[Re: Which version of TA:Spring is the most played?]]>

so follow it :)

Currently i have a lot of fun on my RPG mod and i'm not sure we can do the same mod features on spring RTS :)

Statistics: Posted by Franck83 — 19 Feb 2018, 17:14

2018-02-12T22:54:48+02:00 2018-02-12T22:54:48+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14892&p=160821#p160821 <![CDATA[Re: Which version of TA:Spring is the most played?]]>
AdmiralZeech wrote:
Spring has a bunch of different "games" available. Regarding the ones based on TA, which is the best/most popular/most developed?

Balanced Annihilation ( and Zero-K (, both still actively maintained like raaar said ;) not coincidentally they also have the largest player bases, although FAForever dwarfs them ofc.

Brutus5000 wrote:
I had great hopes for SpringRTS back in the days. But mods with potential like Imperial Winter never got finished and it never had the glamour of Forged Alliance. And the community seemed to much split up into the different mods. And since it's C++ only I never really bothered looking into development.

apart from the glamour point (kinda true, just the reality of free software projects) this must be some special type of FUD because Spring has not been "C++ only" since before the release of SupCom and its Lua scripting API is probably far more powerful than SC's these days :D

if you are interested in developing something, see for an overview of what's possible.

Franck83 wrote:
yes, lua developping is a dream ;)

so follow it :)

Statistics: Posted by nubtrap — 12 Feb 2018, 22:54

2017-12-28T01:58:59+02:00 2017-12-28T01:58:59+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14892&p=158702#p158702 <![CDATA[Re: Which version of TA:Spring is the most played?]]>

Statistics: Posted by Franck83 — 28 Dec 2017, 01:58

2017-12-28T01:34:11+02:00 2017-12-28T01:34:11+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14892&p=158698#p158698 <![CDATA[Re: Which version of TA:Spring is the most played?]]> Statistics: Posted by Brutus5000 — 28 Dec 2017, 01:34

2017-12-28T00:36:03+02:00 2017-12-28T00:36:03+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14892&p=158693#p158693 <![CDATA[Re: Which version of TA:Spring is the most played?]]>
there are just huge possibilities.

Statistics: Posted by Franck83 — 28 Dec 2017, 00:36

2017-12-28T00:10:06+02:00 2017-12-28T00:10:06+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14892&p=158691#p158691 <![CDATA[Re: Which version of TA:Spring is the most played?]]> Statistics: Posted by raaar — 28 Dec 2017, 00:10

2017-12-27T22:26:34+02:00 2017-12-27T22:26:34+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14892&p=158687#p158687 <![CDATA[Re: Which version of TA:Spring is the most played?]]> Statistics: Posted by Franck83 — 27 Dec 2017, 22:26

2017-12-28T00:12:46+02:00 2017-12-27T21:28:42+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14892&p=158684#p158684 <![CDATA[Re: Which version of TA:Spring is the most played?]]>
The most popular games are Balanced Annihilation (BA) and Zero-K (ZK). But several other games like EVO, Spring-1944, Tech-Annihilation, XTA and Metal Factions are played at least a few times per day and/or being actively developed.

The ZK community uses a separate server, and has been making significant progress recently with a new lobby client, AI players and single player missions.

I'm the developer of Metal Factions, btw.

Statistics: Posted by raaar — 27 Dec 2017, 21:28

2017-07-20T12:41:19+02:00 2017-07-20T12:41:19+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14892&p=152247#p152247 <![CDATA[Which version of TA:Spring is the most played?]]>
TA:Spring has a bunch of different "games" available. Regarding the ones based on TA, which is the best/most popular/most developed?

If anyone here still follows that scene...

Statistics: Posted by AdmiralZeech — 20 Jul 2017, 12:41
