Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2017-02-18T16:36:27+02:00 /feed.php?f=12&t=13627 2017-02-18T16:36:27+02:00 2017-02-18T16:36:27+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=13627&p=143751#p143751 <![CDATA[Re: Player Councillor plans]]>
I decided that i will redo the format and instead of doing a monthly schelude, I will make a list of projects i'm currently working on, plus some extra information on FAF Developement.

But first i'd like to sum up what i've been doing in the past 2 months. Apart from the minor tasks, such as maintaining paypal account for FAF Tourneys or updating ladder pool, i've been working on new ladder concept, hosting a tourney or two and of course working a little bit on the Contribuion Guide that i promised. But mostly, as all the other students on FAF, i've been trying to pass my exams, so i didn't put as much time into PCing as i'd want to :(

Anyway, below i will list the tasks that i'm currently working on, as well as their proggress, so you have an idea on what's happening. Lastly i'd like to mention that I always could use some help, so if you have an interest in any of these projects and would like to give me a hand, I would be very grateful!

You can contact me here on forums via a PM or in the client, also via PM.

Contribution Guide:
- i'm still not happy with it. Need to invest more time.
- thanks Exotic_Retard for contributing in the contibution guide (he-he).

New Ladder Concept:
- Need to be redone partially. Doesn't meet Sheeos requirements.
- Thanks Ithilis for contributing, and all those who gave feedback.

Faction standing across stages survey:
- Survey is done, results are written down in xls file. Now need to make more graphs and post on forums.
- I would like to publish this weekend.
update 1:
- It is now completed! Took a little bit longer than i anticipated, but here is the link to it: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=14110

If you are more interested into FAF Developement, i recommend checking:
- FAF youtube channel for Developement Conferences and more! -
- Also you can check FAF blog -

Lastly, i'm always open for feedback, tips or anything you need help with,

Tokyto, your Player Councillor

Statistics: Posted by Tokyto — 18 Feb 2017, 16:36

2016-12-09T00:24:47+02:00 2016-12-09T00:24:47+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=13627&p=140168#p140168 <![CDATA[Player Councillor plans]]>
Recently, I have been elected as your new Player Councilor. I would like to thank all of you for putting your trust in me and I would like to ensure you that I will do my best to live up to your expectations.

There has been a concern in the community lately, that developers aren’t in touch with the community and the players don’t know what is currently going on in FAF development. I (or hopefully someone who is willing to give me a hand in this one) will be making short monthly reports of what happened on FAF in the past month, what i was doing in the past month and what are the milestones for the next one.

So, what are my plans for December? Apart from winning the Legend of the Stars Tourney (hehe), I will continue working on a Contribution Guide. It will contain details on how to contribute, who you should talk to, what are we currently looking for the most and mostly separating software skills by the ‘position’ (Python, Photoshop…). Next I’d like to start working on a roadmap with other devs. Of course this point will have to be heavily coordinated with other devs, so since it won’t depend on me only, I can’t pinky promise this happening yet. Lastly, I would like to work on a concept for better rating system for ladder and hopefully convince other councillors to reintroduce the matchmaker.

That would be all for this month. Already pretty ambitious and probably won’t be able to finish all of it. But i will try!

I will be always open for suggestions. So don’t hesitate to talk to me anytime :)

Statistics: Posted by Tokyto — 09 Dec 2016, 00:24
